below please find the object of my temptation:

(so, i apologize in advance, but this is going to be a very brief thirsty thursday, as i've been feeling pretty under the weather all day and hope to be asleep in the very near future.)
my beautiful, talented, and amazing colleague anna walsh ordered a necklace online from alex and ani, a trendy retailer for fashion jewelry specializing in really unique, eco-friendly stuff. it's not the kind of thing i'd probably ever come across on my own or notice in a store, but the pendant anna ordered is just the right size, shape and length for someone of my (gargantuan) stature, and a bit too large and gaudy for someone of her much more delicate frame. being the friendly fashionista that i am, i asked to try on the pendant and see if i liked it enough to just pay for it and save her the extra return shipping cost; being the even friendlier fashionista she is, she offered to sell it to me at a discounted price. so, the question becomes, do i yield to the temptation of a bird in hand (which we all know is worth two in the bush, see below)?

do it. either way im buying a billion bangles.